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Employee information: visibility and access settings
Employee information: visibility and access settings

Configure who can see which employee details and specify personal information employees can view or edit.

Saad Saeed avatar
Written by Saad Saeed
Updated over a week ago

🎯 For advanced admins. Learn how to create, edit, and invite employees or modify the employee form.

Information is valuable and sometimes private. That means that sometimes you need to fine-tune which employee details should be visible throughout your organisation.

Visibility of an employee to other employees

The visibility of an employee can be enabled or disabled from their details page by going to People > select the employee you wish to edit > Edit ✎. Here you can switch the Contact info public on or off.

When Contact info public is disabled, that employee will not be visible in the People list for their colleagues (this applies both to the web platform and the Planday app). On the other hand, you - as a manager, will have access to your employees' contact details independent of this setting.

When Contact info public is enabled, at least the First name and Last name will be visible to everyone. You have full visibility control over all the other fields, including emails, phone numbers, birthdays, nicknames and custom fields.

Control which information should be visible to the employees

If the Contact info public is enabled and you wish to display additional fields to the employees, you can control this by going to Settings > People > Employees. Here you can select or unselect which fields, other than first name and last name, should be visible to all employees including any customs fields.

Please note that this works slightly differently in the mobile app. Here the employees see the phone number and email address of their colleagues regardless of the selected fields (provided that the field "Contact details is public" is activated for the specific employee.

If contact info public is disabled, team members will not be able to see the selected employee in the employee list. However, if this option is enabled, at least the first name and last name are displayed for everyone. You can fully control the visibility of all other fields: email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, nicknames, and custom fields.

Add custom fields to your employees’ information

If you need something specific to be shown for each employee, you can add custom fields by going to Settings> People > Employee form setup.

Please keep in mind that you can only access this page if you are an Admin or HR manager. In the Employee form, you can edit or create new fields, add or reorder sections and archive the sections you don't need.

See How to modify the employee form article to learn more.

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